When we say the word “Internet”, the first thing to pop up in your mind is most likely all the different websites that are on it.  That’s how important websites are today, and they are what make the web and internet so convenient today.  

When we think of what a website is, most of us will automatically go to thinking of the Internet and that it’s usually a space on it that consists of some form of service or information.  With that being said, we want to dive a little deeper and explore what a website is and how it functions as a representation of your business.

What exactly is a Website?

A website consists of a central page of the site that is usually referred to as the “homepage”.  To grow the website, the webmaster will add more pages, also called subpages, that are related to the topic of the site. For example, they may add a Services and Pricing page, and Frequently Asked Questions Pages to help current and potential customers understand their business better.  

As the main pages and legal pages have been mapped out, the webmaster will consult with an SEO strategist on how to move forward with a content strategy. The content strategy will help to create and grow a website’s blog and grow a website’s posts (rather than pages).  With the three main pages of the homepage, landing pages, and posts, you have a Website.

Does Your Business Need a Website?

The answer is yes.  The younger generations tend to look for a business’s credibility by confirming the website.  And if you are just starting out, and don’t think you can afford a website, it’s ok to create a Facebook business page as a temporary holder.  We do think it’s important to reserve your business name’s URL as soon as possible, so no one buys it before you.  

This has happened where a woman created a cleaning business and named it Annie’s Cleaning Services.  She created all of the marketing materials with flyers and mailers and made a Facebook page.  But because someone had seen the popularity of her Facebook page, and that she had not reserved the URL of a possible website one day, they seized the opportunity and she had to rebrand her business.

Creating A Website

If you’re concerned that you don’t have enough money for a website, just reach out to us at Cobalt Creative Co. We have affordable options, and we are willing to work with your budget.  Creating a website should be left to the experts, as there are a lot of crossed wires with coding and the SEO side of it.  If everything can be set-up right the first time, maintenance of the site should be fairly easy to do with some attention every week.  The best part about creating a website with Cobalt Creative is that we take the time to train you on the best practices to care for your website if you are wanting a hands-on approach.  If you are looking for someone to run your business online, we can do that too.  With over 20 years of experience of Internet Marketing, we know what it takes to build and maintain a website and it’s marketing efforts.  


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